Routing Number - 036002425HSBC BANK USA-PHILA |
Check details about routing number 036002425. Routing number 036002425 is assigned to HSBC BANK USA-PHILA that is used to facilitate the electronic routing of funds (ACH transfer) from one bank account to another. |
Routing Number | 036002425 |
Institution Name | HSBC BANK USA-PHILA |
Office Code | Main office |
Servicing FRB Number | 031000040 Servicing Fed's main office routing number |
Record Type Code | 1 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI
City | BUFFALO |
State | New York (NY) |
Zip Code | 14203-0000 |
Telephone | 877-472-2249 |
Change Date | 14-June-2006 Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) : 061406 |
Institution Status Code | 1 Code is based on the customers receiver code 1=Receives Gov/Comm |